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We run a number of different creative and cultural projects for young people.

Have a look to see whats currently on and some selected past projects.


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  • The Culture Collective - A regular group for young people aged 15 - 21 to meet to explore, express and experiment with their ideas of the world creatively in a safe and loved space. They turn these ideas into inspiring conversations, creative projects and cultural events. See here for more info.



  • We value our volunteers enormously. We seek to accommodate young people who wish to volunteer with us wherever possible, both casually and through more formal programmes such as work-experience with our partner schools and college. We like to work with young people who are genuinely interested in the work of The GAP, and prioritise individuals within our defined communities of young people, who want to develop skills and experience within the cultural sector, as well as those who have a specific skill to offer. If you’re interested in volunteering with us then follow this link to fill out a volunteer form

Donate with PayPal

The GAP Opening Times For Ramadhan: Mon: 12 - 1:30PM Tue - Sat: 12 - 5PM The MIX Cafe Opening Times For Ramadhan: Tue - Thur: 12 - 5PM Fri - Sat: 12-11PM

Please consider donating to help us deliver

valuable community support projects

The GAP Arts Project is a charity registered in England & Wales (no. 1156090).

Our registered office is:


498 Moseley Road

Balsall Heath, B12 9AH

The GAP Arts Project, All Rights Reserved, 2025

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